Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I always knew i'm not good at words.
I'm fortunate to find someone who wrote something that speaks out for me.
Read this.
It says it all. Well said and heartfelt.

"Ignorance is bliss, cherish it"?
Well.. maybe its bliss.. maybe not..
Some times you just cant ignore certain things..
Being ignored by others hurts more than dieing..
For a person to give his heart only to have it shoved back in his face, that hurts more than anything..

Lately, I realise that i bears and uncanny resemblance to the Lion of Oz.
If you dont know whats that, its a story bout a lion who lost his courage.
In short, he's a coward. And i'm not very different from him.
In his journey, he finally regained his courage; as for me, I'm still seaching for the Badge of Courage..
I always admire those who dare to express themself, whether in real life or cyberspace.
For me, that takes lots of guts. I lost the courage to be ME..
Afraid of being betrayed, being hurt.. again..
maybe thats why i keep all my problems to myself..
All that english personal growth thing made me pondered..
Did i achieve personal growth?
Risks have to be taken, sacrifices have to be made.. I'm too chicken to take any risk..
Its always easier said than done..

Bleh.. Why i always think of these stuff when i can't sleep >.>''
I need a remedy to cure my sleeplessness.. lol..


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