A New Year, A New Hope
Its been exactly 1 year since i started this blog. It's the 100th post too!! =)
This year had turned out a whole lot different than what i expected. I'd gained a lot, but i lost more. I guess thats how people grow, from their mistakes.
I cant say i've been through alot, but definitely, i learned a lot.
Emotionally, its been a pretty enriching year.
I experienced utmost despair and sorrow at the lowest point, and extreme joy at the highest peak.
One thing for sure, i can't be so trusting anymore.
Scars take time to heal, some take forever.
I'm aware that my actions had hurt and angered ppl over the year and for that, i seek your forgiveness.
I can be an ass, stubborn or just plain stupid at times.
Ups and downs.. I just hope there's more ups and less downs for me in this year.. XD