Assignment? Project? Its that what bothering your mind atm?
I wonder.. Is that a trend or something.. Everytime i see ppl online..they always put "away" or "busy".. Doing assignment wor.. =.='' Serious? Got so many home work meh.. You gotta be kidding.. So far i'm still assignment-free.. Contrastingly.. You ppl seems to have a mountain or hw piling up every day >.>
Compare to me.. I got nothing to do.. I mean nothing !! Everyday online n surf the net.. or play some games occasionally.. O2Jam for in stance, which is kindda boring... poking the keyboard as if trying to dismantle it... Sienz... I think thats one of the reason i made this blog.. to fill my free time..
Is it just me or wat.. Everyone seems to get into some kind of "nerd mode".. Perhaps im too lazy.. or perhaps Mufy is cheap.. I dunno.. But hey.. at least i stress-free atm.. haha
Sooner or later everyone will be something like this.. lol XD